Recipients of the School Supplies Donations!

Announcing the recipients of the (possibly annual?) HSCFFS school supplies donations for homeschool families in need!

We had lots of donations for our third school supplies donation here at Homeschool Curriculum Free for Shipping. We've done this in years past. We were excited to find out that there were several donors who decided to pull together this year and donate more than ever!

The recipients chosen for this donation were randomly chosen by using First, the applicants were sorted into groups by the ages of their children, so that the donations would fit the families who would receive them. Some of the donations were best for older children, while other donations were best for younger.

Here are the recipients, in no specific order:

Entry #109: "I am a single mom of two boys struggling to find a job. I would be grateful for any help you could offer. I would pay it forward to help anyone that is in need as well." This was the first random draw, and it was such a neat thing, because I specifically prayed for a mother of two boys before her number was picked!

Entry #129: explained that some surgery in April caused her husband (the sole income earner) to be unable to return to work due to complications. She has picked up a part time job but still finding it hard to make ends meet.

Entry #197: "I just started homeschooling in January and had no idea how much things cost, I have bills like everyone else and am trying to do what I can to continue to homeschool my girls. It's just that money is tight."

Entry #213: "Last summer our house caught fire when our furnace malfunctioned and exploded. Luckily our dog barked and barked until we all got up and out of the house. Our lives were spared, but nothing from the house or the house itself was savable. We are still in a rented house a year later trying to get back everything we lost."

Entry #310: "Family of 5. New baby who spent 2 weeks in the nicu. We have outstanding medical bills for both the baby and myself. I was recently diagnosed with [chronic illness]. My monthly medications cost almost $400 a month. We are struggling with only my husbands income and would appreciate the help during this difficult time."

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