Announcing the recipient of the $100 Educents donation.
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It's time to announce the recipient of the last donation, the Educents $100 value in curriculum giveaway hosted at The Frugal Homeschooling Mom. This was our 18th BRAND NEW curriculum donation hosted here on the blog, and we are excited to share the report.
The recipient chose $68 worth of curriculum for her family. Her first choice was the "Literature in Movies Lapbook," and she also chose the "Concepts of Medicine and Biology Package."
That means that I still have $132 left to donate at the next donation (coming soon, subscribe now)!
The recipient explained in her application her need for the curriculum choices:
We have a one income home and experienced a job loss. It's been difficult to recover from financially. Two kids, with chronic medical needs, require surgery and more therapies recently. Their care means travel out of state often. It would lighten our load to have things prepared, rather than hunting resources/designing my own curriculum right now.
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