Curriculum Scholarship Opportunity for Homeschool Families in Need

A very special curriculum resource is available to homeschool parents that would not normally be able to afford it (this summer only - ends August 31st, 2016). 

One of our community members runs a literacy and early education foundation, called Early Education for Every Child Foundation. Their main focus is to make high quality literacy programs and curricula available to children around the world, that would never have access to it otherwise.

She recognizes the fact that there are a lot of families even in US, that can not afford curricula like that, which can make a huge difference in their children's lives. So she is opening the opportunity for homeschool families in need to have a possibility to get it as well. One of their main curricula sponsors, BrillKids, agreed to make their resources available to individual families in need.

The curriculum will be available totally for free to the families that qualify. BrillKids is also willing to offer it for 50% off the price for the families that would not qualify for full scholarship, but can not afford to get it otherwise due to some circumstances.

Families that would qualify for full scholarship are those with special needs children, those living under state poverty level (receive MediCal, or other SS benefits, for example, or qualify for free lunches in schools, etc).

The curricula that homeschool families in need can apply for and receive for free with this scholarship would be:

  • Little Reader English -- basic literacy curricula and language curricula (can be used for teaching reading and vocabulary for young children or ESL)
  • Little Musician -- incredible Music literacy and appreciation curricula for young children (It will also paired with the Lesson Plan for Music appreciation programs from Classics for Kids)
  • Country Courses: Course 1 and Course 2
  • Basic Country and Geography lessons for all the ages -- they will cover 40 countries and territories, with over 2000 facts and media materials -- full 2 years worth of lessons
  • And Little Reader Language courses -- for Spanish, Arabic, Russian, French, Thai, Vietnamese and Chinese Mandarin

The application for individual families is set up on the Foundation webpage.

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