I've always valued traditions. Traditions that we come back to time after time, year after year, help to build family unity. We all know that the tradition is something special, something we do as a family. We have quite a few traditions that focus on different seasons of the year- not just holidays but everyday fun that we take time to do each year. Here I'm sharing some of our favorite, fun fall traditions. I hope that this will help you build your own family traditions for the season.
Leaf rubbings
From the time the kids were little, we've enjoyed doing leaf rubbings when fall arrives and the leaves begin to turn and fall. We head outside to collect leaves. Leaves that are still soft and not crunchy are the ones that work best. We put the leaves flat on a hard surface. Using fall colors like red, yellow, and brown, we pull the wrapper off of the crayons. Then we turn the crayon sideways and rub. These make beautiful leaf pictures we can display for the season.
Corn maze field trip
A few years ago we found a local corn maze and going to it has become a favorite fall tradition. The corn maze we enjoy is a pretty intricate one, better for older kids and adults. Little ones can have fun if they stick close to the group, but it has taken us around two hours each year to make our way through, so younger kids will probably give up and get tired easily. My youngest was eight the first year we went. Here is a map of all registered corn mazes in the US.
Pumpkin carving
Whether or not you choose to celebrate Halloween, pumpkin carving can be lots of fun. There have been quite a few years that we didn't even get ours carved before Halloween, but we still took time to carve it afterward. Daddy is usually in charge of the sharp tools. The kids help pull out the pumpkin insides and help design a face to carve. One year, as the kids have been older, we bought some smaller pumpkins as well and let the older kids carve their own.
Apple orchard tour
There's nothing like a visit to the apple orchard to make it feel like fall. We've visited a local orchard for many years in the fall. Our orchard has hayrides and pumpkin picking as well as the delicious apples, apple cider donuts, and apple cider. This site has a huge list of apple orchards in the US and some international sites.
Taking time to build traditions brings the family closer together. The changing of the seasons is a fun time to have yearly traditions that the family looks forward to.