I've Been There - Moments of Solitude

Here at HSCFFS we sometimes share stories of hope and encouragement from other homeschool families.  Here's the next one in the series entitled, "I've Been There," that I really hope will be an encouragement to you.  

Today's post is from Christina at Classroom to Homeroom. She shares some encouragement for moms who need some time for themselves. Enjoy!

If you are a Mom then you can relate to struggling with finding a little bit of time for yourself. I had the typical experience, and then it was heightened when I became a homeschooling Mom of an only child. I suddenly found myself striving to find moments of solitude and desperately needed them. 

Instead of continuing down the same path, I decided to change the approach to a few different parts of our day. 

In the morning time I allow my son to watch a 30 minute show while I have my tea, assess our plans for the day, and prep anything we need for our lessons. 

Later in the afternoon, once the lessons are complete, our son has a 30 minute window where he has to play by himself. At first it was a bit of a struggle, but he has discovered that he really enjoys playing alone. He is even more apt to do it at other points in the day now too, although we still spend a lot of time playing together. 

I believe this time of solitude is healthy for both of us, and it has given him a since of confidence he didn't have before. I don't feel so desperate for my moments of sanity, and he's more independent.

Ms. Christina is a former public school teacher who home schools her only child. She blogs about the transition from the classroom to her homeroom schooling at: