Thank you for all your support already, in making this organization what it is. We're only two months old, but we're finding lots of support from everyone who hears about us. I am so excited!
I currently do not receive any income from my blogging efforts here, so every bit of the start-up comes either directly from my own pocket or my own personal time in managing the group and the blog. I've already spent uncountable hours, and I also invested personally in a domain name (to be announced soon). I'm loving it, and enjoy helping others! But I do not have the ability to cover the cost myself for some things, like my current need. So, I'm asking for your help.
We Need a P.O. Box!
I am already finding the need to have a Post Office box set up for the organization. I don't want to be giving out my private address online, and need this for my own safety and privacy, as I begin to share my address for receiving donations to the organization.
The cost for the smallest size P.O. Box at the US Postal Service is $80 for one year. Would you help me pay for that?
Individuals can send a contribution in any amount over $2 via Paypal. There is a $2 minimum because Paypal will charge a $.30 fee plus 2.9% of the donation amount. Anything less than $2 would kinda be wasteful of the contribution, ya know? For example, if someone donated $1, 1/3 of it wouldn't go towards the fundraiser, but to Paypal instead. Thank you!
Suggested contribution:
Businesses can buy 1 month of advertisement for their business via text link in the left sidebar, plus 3 social media shoutouts from each of my blogs (Your choice of Facebook, Google+, or Twitter), in addition to a blog post, for a $20 sponsorship. Please send your contribution to the Go Fund Me account I created, here, or via the Paypal donation button above, whichever you prefer. Thank you! (This sponsorship opportunity only applies to businesses which are family-friendly, and which the majority of the blog readership will appreciate viewing the ads. I reserve the right to refuse sponsorships from businesses which aren't "friendly" to all in the homeschool community at large.)
I will update this post as soon as the funds are received.
Thanks in advance!